Daily Archives: 12. Apr 2020

My Deepest and Most Sincere Gratitude

Your Eminences and Excellencies! Dear Friends in Christ! Please accept my most sincere thanks and gratitude for your many best wishes and blessings on my birthday! May God bless you all richly! ++++ Heigo Ritsbek, Patriarch of the Anglocatholic Church

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Easter Vigil Solemn Mass in Tallinn, Estonia

His Excellency, The Most Reverend Dr. Raivo Kodanik, DD, celebrated Easter Vigil Solemn Mass on Saturday, April 11, 2020, at The Chapel of The Cathedral of The Holy Trinity of of The Diocese of Most Blessed Virgin Mary the Mother … Continue reading

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Peru joined The Anglocatholic Church

The Most Reverend David Quispe Aguirre, B.Th. and his parish and missions have joined The Anglocatholic Church. Bishop Aguirre will be leading The Diocese of Christ the King of The Anglocatholic Church (Peru).

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