Patriarch Lord
Most Reverend Dr. Heigo Ritsbek, M.A., M.Div., D.Min., Litt.D., D.D.,
D.D. Summa Cum Laude
President of the Holy Synod
President of the College of Bishops
Born April 12, 1951 in Pärnu, Estonia
University of Tartu 1978 – Master of Arts
Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Theological Seminary 1982-1989
Asbury Theological Seminary, KY, U.S.A. 1993 – Master of Divinity
Boston University School of Theology, MA, U.S.A. 1996 – Doctor of Ministry
Saint James the Elder Theological Seminary, FL, U.S.A. 2012 – Doctor of Divinity
Saint James the Elder Theological Seminary, FL, U.S.A. 2012 – Doctor of Letters
Sanctus Theological Institute, OR, U.S.A. 2018 – Doctor of Divinity Summa Cum Laude
Holy Trinity Anglocatholic School of Ministry, 2020 – Doctor of Divinity
Ordained as a deacon March 9, 1979, by Bishop Dr. Ole E. Borgen
Ordained as a priest June 23, 1996, by Archbishop Dr. Dale F. Howard
Consecrated as a bishop August 25, 2012, by Archbishop Dr. Kiiza S. Thomas
Contact: Patriarch Lord Dr. Heigo Ritsbek, Õismäe tee 54-24, 13512 Tallinn, ESTONIA
Phone: + 372 50 92 337; email:
Patriarch Coadjutor
Primate & Metropolitan Archbishop
Most Reverend Dr. Jacques Macaire Miafouanandi, D.D.
Primate of All Africa
Metropolitan Archdiocese of Saint Sophie Sagesse Divine
Vice-Chairman of the Holy Synod
Vice-Chairman of the College of Bishops
Born February 4, 1971
Marien Ngouabi University – Diploma
Bamou Roman Catholic Seminary, Congo-Brazzaville
Holy Trinity Anglocatholic School of Ministry, 2022 – Doctor of Divinity
Ordained as a deacon – September 5, 1999; by Bishop Simon Pierre Pembet
Ordained as a priest – July 2, 2000; by Bishop Simon Pierre Pembet
Consecrated as a bishop – February 26, 2006; by Bishop Jean Jacques Mouhani
Contact: Patriarch Coadjutor Jacques Macaire Miafouanandi,
Mpaka – 120, Pointe – Noire, REPUBLIC OF CONGO
Phone: +242 068 370 354; +242 0552 681 41;
Metropolitan Archbishop
Most Reverend Dr. Earl Lewis Frazier, B.Sc., M.Div., D.D.
Primate of All North America
Metropolitan Archdiocese of Saint Giles the Hermit
Member of the College of Bishops
Born April 22, 1952
Saint Thomas College of Seminarians – 1988-2003
Southern Christian University 2004 – Bachelor of Science in Ministry and Bible
Suffield University 2006 – Master of Science in Divinity
Epiphany Seminary 2009 – Doctor of Divinity
Holy Trinity Anglocatholic School of Ministry 2020 – Doctor of Divinity
Ordained as a deacon – April 1, 2002; by Bishop Richard Dickerson
Ordained as a priest – December 13, 2003; by Bishop Richard Dickerson
Consecrated as a bishop – December 5, 2009; by Bishop Rodney Rickard
Contact information: Primate Earl L. Frazier, 824 Penitencia Street,
Milpitas, CA 95035-3833, U.S.A.
Phone: +1 408 230 754 7; email:
Metropolitan Archbishop
Most Reverend Dr. Raphael Marie Villiere, D.D. Summa Cum Laude
Primate of All Europe
Metropolitan Archdiocese of Mary Mediatrix of All Graces
Member of the College of Bishops
Born March 14, 1966
Sanctus Theological Institute, OR, U.S.A. 2018 – Doctor of Divinity Summa Cum Laude
Ordained as a deacon – June 11, 2000, by Bishop Primate Thimoteus II
Ordained as a priest – January 26, 2003, by Bishop Primate Thimoteus II
Consecrated as a bishop – May 19, 2013, by Bishop Jean Claude Normand
Contact: Primate Dr. Raphael Marie Villiere,
4 Rue du Clos Carre, 14370 Croissanville, FRANCE
Phone: +330 231 230 522; +336 021 702 82; email:
Primate & Metropolitan Archbishop
Most Reverend Dr. Ian Charles Adrian, Dip.Th.,Lic.Th.,D.D., O.S.B.
Primate of Australia and All Oceania
Metropolitan Archdiocese of the Holy Face of Jesus
Born February 12, 1966
Bible college of Queensland, 2003 – Diploma in Theology
Ecumenical Catholic Church, 2004 – Licenciate in Theology
Holy Cross Seminary – Doctor of Divinity
Ordained as a deacon – December 8, 2002; by Bishop Ernest Kelly
Ordained as a priest – February 23, 2003; by Bishop Ernest Kelly
Life Profession Order of St. Benedict – January 6, 2007 by Bishop Abbot Peter McInnes
Consecrated as a Bishop – October 3, 2008; by Archbishop Philip Zimmerman
Contact: Primate Ian C. Adrian 47 Ella St. Maryborough,
Queensland 4650, AUSTRALIA
Phone: +61 0428398113; email address:
Primate & Archbishop
Most Reverend Dr. Julio Cesar Diazgranados Fandino, Lic.S.Th., D.D.
Primate of All South America
Archdiocese of Saint Patrick
Born January 22, 1972
Facultas Studiorum Theologicorum et Pastoralium 2012 – Licentiate of Sacred Theology
Ordained as a deacon – June 20, 2005 by; Bishop Alfredo Vesga
Ordained as a priest – December 18, 2005; by Bishop Julio Martinez Aparicio
Consecrated as a bishop – April 24, 2010; by Bishop Pedro Ramon Prada, Bishop
Alfredo Villadiego, Bishop Emirio Coronado Navarro
Contact: Bishop Julio Cesar Diazgranados, Cra 16b # 7 – 37,
Santa Marta City, COLOMBIA
Phone: +573 002 253 094; email:
Primate & Metropolitan Archbishop
Most Reverend Dr. Mauricio Isaías Largaespada Umaña, Phil.D., Ed.D.,Th.D.
Metropolitan Archdiocese of Jesus Christ the Redeemer
Born April 2, 1974 in San José, República de Costa Rica
St. Stephen Theological Institute, 2009 – Bachelor of Theology
Seminario Teologico Hebraico, 2011 – Doctor of Christian Philosophy
Hebron Institute of Theology, 2015 – Doctor of Theology
Catholic University of Costa Rica, 2022 – Doctor of Education
Ordained as a deacon – September 26, 2008; by Bishop Allan Hernández Ramírez
Ordained as a priest – February 12, 2012; by Archbishop Dixon González Zúñiga
Consecrated as a Bishop – January 6, 2013; by Archbispo Francisco Eduardo de la Espriella Torrens
Contact: Arcbishop Dr. Mauricio Isaías Largaespada Umaña, Urbanization,
Porton del Prado, casa 10B, San Isidro de Coronado, San José CP 11101, COSTA RICA
Phone: +506 6049 2408; email:
Metropolitan Archbishop
Most Reverend Dr. Oleg Urumbayev, Dip. Agr., Dip.Th., Dip.Rel., D.D.
Metropolitan Archdiocese of the Holy Cross
Member of the College of Bishops
Born March 1, 1969
Irkutsk Agricultural Academy 1995 – Diploma
Holy Trinity Seminary in St. Petersburg 2010 – Diploma
Irkutsk State University, Religious Studies 2011 – Diploma
Holy Trinity School of Ministry 2021 – Doctor of Divinity
Ordained as a hieromonk – 2014; by Bishop Arsenyi Gavrikov
Ordained as a hegumen – 2015; by Metropolitan Feofan Teslenko
Ordained as an arhimandrit – 2016; by Metropolitan Feofan Teslenko
Consecrated as a bishop – 2017; by Bishop Harlamy Klimov and Bishop German Samgin
Contact: Metropolitan Archbishop Oleg Urumbayev,
2 township 18/504, City of Irkutsk, 664037, RUSSIA
Phone: +793 443 111 66; email:
Most Reverend Adriano Amato, B.A.
Archdiocese of Saint Stephen the Martyr
Member of the College of Bishops
Born March 9, 1989
Christian Formation Seminar of Diocese of Basel 2007 – 2010
University of Bamberg 2018 – Bachelor of Arts
Ordained as a deacon – October 4, 2014; by Bishop Alistair Bate
Ordained as a priest – May 24, 2015; by Bishop Angelo Casali
Consecrated as a bishop – May 23, 2021; by Patriarch Coadjutor Dr. Raphael
Marie Villiere
Contact information: Bishop Adriano Amato, Joesf-Müller-Weg 1,
6210 Sursee, SWITZERLAND
Phone: +417 668 160 23; email:
Most Reverend Emmanuel Segue, Ph.B., Ph.M., M.Sc.
Archdiocese of Saint Mary of the Immaculate Conception

Born January 1, 1987
Catholic University of Central Africa, Yaounde, 2002 – Bachelor in Philosophy
Catholic University in Central Africa, Yaounde, 2003 – Master in Philosophy of Education
Public University in Yaounde, 2013 – Master in Science of Education
Ordained as a deacon – September 16, 2016; by Archbishop Jean Ndjewel
Ordained as a priest – December 16, 2016; by Archbishop Jean Ndjewel
Consecrated as a bishop – July 24, 2021; by Patriarch Coadjutor Raphael Marie Villiere
Contact: Archbishop Emmanuel Segue, P.O. Box 31246, Yaounde, CAMEROON
Phone: + 237 655 620 781; email:
Most Reverend Dr. Kenneth Obinna Ikeh, B.Th., Th.M., Miss.M., Th.D.
Archdiocese of Saint John the Apostle
Born January 7, 1981 in Lagos, Nigeria
West Africa Theological Seminary 2012 – Bachelor of Arts in Theology
Abang Ashu Academy Major Seminary 2015 – M.A. in Theology and Cross Cultural Studies
Bethany Theological School of Missions 2018 – M.A. Christian Missiology
Bethany Theological School of Missions 2020 – M.A. in Theology
Bethany Theological School of Missions 2021 – Doctor of Theology
Ordained as a deacon – June 10, 2012; by Bishop Ezekiel Ikupolati
Ordained as a priest – February 17, 2013; by Bishop Alfred Ayuk Ewube
Consecrated as a Bishop – December 25, 2021; by Bishop Anthony Abang Ashu
Contact: Archbishop Kenneth Obinna Ikeh, c/o Nigeria Hunters and Forestry Security Service,
No. 9, Onitsha Street, Abakaliki, Ebonyi State, NIGERIA
Phone: + 234 912 108 9939: email:
Most Reverend Dr. David Smith, B.Mus., M.Mus., D.D. Summa Cum Laude
Member of the College of Bishops
Born September 27, 1947 in Kingston, Ontario, Canada
University of Toronto, 1971 – Bachelor of Music
University of Toronto, 1973 – Master of Music
Sanctus Theological Institute, U.S.A., 2018 – Doctor of Divinity Summa Cum Laude
Ordained as a deacon – – June 4, 2006, by Bishop Thomas McCourt
Ordained as a priest – January 28, 2007, by Bishop Thomas McCourt
Consecrated as a bishop – November 5, 2017, by Archbishop Glentis Samuel
Contact: Archbishop Emeritus Dr. David Smith, 804 – 177 Mutual Street,
Toronto, Ontario M5B 2P6, CANADA
Phone: 1 647 909 833 7; email:
Bishop Emeritus
Most Reverend Dr. Paul Jacob Boardman, Jr., D.D.
Member of the College of Bishops
Born October 10, 1939
School for Ministry in Rhode Island – 1981-1985
Holy Trinity Anglocatholic School of Ministry, 2020 – Doctor of Divinity
Ordained as a deacon – July 13, 1985, by Bishop George N. Hunt
Ordained as a priest – August 15, 1993, by Archbishop A. Randolph Adler
Consecrated as a bishop – August 5, 2017, by Patriarch Heigo Ritsbek
Contact: Bishop Emeritus Paul Jacob Boardman, 17673 SE 119 Ave Rd.,
Summerfield, Florida 34491, U.S.A.
Phone +1 401 524 434 3; email:
Most Reverend Dr. Raivo Kodanik, D.D.
Diocese of Blessed Virgin Mary Mother of God
Member of the College of Bishops
Order of Honour of Tallinn Patriarchate
Born June 3, 1976 in Tallinn, Estonia
Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Seminary
St James the Elder Theological Seminary 2015 – Doctor of Divinity
Ordained as a deacon – November 18, 2012, by Archbishop Dr. Heigo Ritsbek
Ordained as a priest – May 5, 2013, by Archbishop Dr. Heigo Ritsbek
Ordained as a bishop – November 21, 2015, by Archbishop Dr. Heigo Ritsbek
Contact: Bishop Dr. Raivo Kodanik, Sõle 55 – 24, Tallinn, ESTONIA
Phone: +372 562 297 89; email:
Most Reverend Avio Ongang Cyprien, Dip.Th.
Diocese of Saint Athanasius
Born March 7, 1973
Institute Universitaire Des Sciences, 1997-1998
Theologicum Saint Cyprien, 2002 – Diploma in Theology
Ordained as a deacon – November 21, 2004; by Bishop Vincent de Paul Nzunu
Ordained as a priest – January 15, 2006; by Bishop Vincent de Paul Nzunu
Consecrated as a bishop – January 18, 2015; by Bishop Christian Westraet
Contact: Bishop Avio Ongang Cyprien, Bp. 65 kin aero, Commune de kimbanseke
Quartier mfumu nkento, Via paroisse catholique, Ste croix, Avenue Mumboyi 151,
Phone: +243 810 373 007; email:
Most Reverend Balthazar Musyoki Mtenga
Diocese of Saint Luke the Evangelist
Born January 6, 1970
Ordained as a deacon – January 7, 2019; by Archbishop Martin Kiprotich
Ordained as a priest – April 27, 2019; by Archbishop Martin Kiprotich
Consecrated as a bishop – December 28, 2019; by Primate Martin L. Kiprotich
Contact: Bishop Baltazar Musyoki Mtenga,
COGRI – Nyumbani Village, P.O. Box 1266-90200, KENYA
Telephone:+ 254 724 170 416; email:
Most Reverend Gerverse Nkaranga
Diocese of Christ the King of Divine Mercy
Ordained as a deacon – October 21, 2017; by Archbishop Kiiza Sibayirwa Thomas
Ordained as a priest – April 28, 2018; by Archbishop Kiiza Sibayirwa Thomas
Consecrated as a bishop – December 28, 2019; by Primate Martin L. Kiprotich
Contact: Bishop Gervasio Nkaranga
P 0 Box 116 Kyegegwa, Mubende, UGANDA
Most Reverend Dr. Sergio David Edwards Juarez, Lic.Ph., PhM, MSc, Th.D., D.D.
Diocese of Saint James the Apostle
Born December 8, 1970
Instituto Superior Ecumenico De Estudios 2007 – Licentiate of Philosophy
Instituto Superior Ecumenico De Estudios 2008 – Master of Philosophy
Instituto Superior Ecumenico De Estudios 2009 – Master of Science
Instituto Superior Ecumenico De Estudios 2010 – Licentiate of Psychology
Instituto Superior Ecumenico De Estudios 2010 – Doctor of Moral Theology
Seminario Mayoe Nuestra Senora de la Alegria 2010 – Doctor of Divinity
Instituto Superior Ecumenico De Estudios Eclesiasticos 2012 – Doctor of Divinity
Ordained as a deacon – July 1, 2012; by Bishop Luis Alfonso Parra Davila
Ordained as a priest – September 8, 2012; Bishop Luis Alfonso Parra Davila
Consecrated as a bishop – March 7, 2020; Bishop Carlos Henao, Bishop Marcos Luzardo,
Bishop Miller Garcia
Contact: Bishop Dr. Sergio David Edwards Juarez, Medellin Castilla,
La Esperanza Carrera 73 A # 95-107, Postal Code Es. 050042, COLOMBIA
Phone: + +573 217 213 473; email:
Most Reverend David Quispe Aguirre, B.Th.
Diocese of Christ the King
Born April 14, 1975
American Pontifical Catholic University, 2013 – Bachelor of Theology
Ordained as a deacon – October 26, 2010; by Bishop Jose Galvez
Ordained as a priest – October 27, 2011; by Bishop Jose Galvez
Consecrated as a bishop – November 17, 2019;
by Bishop Luis Rodrigo Moreno, Bishop Leopoldo Maiguashca
and Bishop Jesús Manuel Mejía Quiroz
Contact: Bishop David Quispe Aguirre,
Calle 7 mz H Lt. 2 Santa Clara Housing Association,
Ate Vitarte, Lima, PERU
Phone: +519 971 631 05; email:
Most Reverend Julien Muanda Lusala, Dip.Th.
Diocese of Saint Michael the Archangel
Born July 29, 1974
Saint Augustine Seminary, Tsela, DR Congo, 2010 – Diploma in Dogmatic Theology
Ordained as a deacon – March 14, 2017; by
Ordained as a priest – October 7, 2018; by
Consecrated as a bishop – November 28, 2021; by Archbishop James Christian Macaire Miafouanandi
Contact: Bishop Julien Muanda Lusala, Commune de Nzadi, Boma, DR CONGO
Phone: + 243 847 434 196; email:
Most Reverend Aimee Makima, Dip.Ph.
Diocese of Saint Raphael
Born January 5, 1979
Marie Ngouabi University of Brazzaville, 2004 – Diploma in Philosophy
Ordained as a deacon – April 16, 2006; by Bishop Pascal Tchicaya
Ordained as a priest – October 23, 2008; by Bishop Pascal Tchicaya
Consecrated as a bishop – August 16, 2020; by Bishop Gladys Nkounkou
Contact: Bishop Aime Makima, Vindoulou Area, American site,
Phone: + 242 0066 359 069;
Most Reverend Sila Martynes Sanidan, B.Th.
Diocese of Saint Mary the Mediator
Born on December, 30 1986
Theology Institute of Kinshasa, 2012 – Bachelor of Theology
Ordained as a deacon – April 4, 2010; by Bishop Christian Macaire Miafouanandi
Ordained as a priest – October 3, 2010; by Bishop Christian Macaire Miafouanandi
Consecrated as a bishop – January 26, 2020; by Bishop Christian Macaire Miafouanandi
Contact: Bishop Sila Martynes Sanidan, 91 rue Chapital, Bacongo District,
Phone: +242 065 934 646; email:
Most Reverend Florent Moussolo
Diocese of Saint Paul the Apostle
Member of the College of Bishops

Born November 14, 1981
Centre Biblique Victoire et Vie, Pointe-Noire, 2016 – Biblical Theology Certificate
Ordained as a deacon – April 16, 2017; by Bishop Christian Macaire Miafouanandi
Ordained as a Priest – April 1, 2018; by Archbishop Christian Macaire Miafouanandi
Consecrated as a Bishop – April 17, 2022; by Archbishop Christian Macaire Miafouanandi
Contact: Florent Moussolo, Route-Nationale 4, Côte-Mateve, Ngoyo Pointe-Noire,
Phone: +242 068167508/ +242 055062315; email:
Most Reverend Chris Bienvenu Nkounkou, Ph.B.
Metropolitan Archdiocese of Saint Sophie Sagesse Divine

Born March 3, 1983
Marien Ngouabi University of Brazzaville, 2004 – Bachelor in Philosophy
Ordained as a deacon – April 13, 2006; by Bishop Christian Macaire Miafouanandi
Ordained as a priest – April 16, 2006; by Bishop Christian Macaire Miafouanandi
Consecrated as a bishop – May 5, 2022; by Metropolitan Archbishop Christian Macaire
Contact: Bishop Chris Bienvenu Nkounkou, Avenue de la Base Aérienne 1, Pointe-Noire,
République du Congo, REPUBLIC OF CONGO
Phone: +242 05 325 60 49; +242 06 607 01 07; email:
Most Reverend Camille Boumal, Lic.Phil., M.Phil., M.Sc.
Diocese of the Child Jesus
Born January 25, 1970 in Hegba, Cameroon
University of Yaounde 2002 – Licentiate of Philosophy
Omar Bongo University 2009 – Master of Philosophy
Omar Bongo University 2012 – Master in Social Sciences
Ordained as a deacon – August 14, 2014; by Archbishop Jean Ndjewel
Ordained as a priest – August 26, 2017; by Archbishop Jean Ndjewel
Consecrated as a bishop – February 10, 2024; Primate Raphael Marie Villiere
Contact: Bishop Elect Camille Boumal, B.P. 2628 Libreville, GABON
Phone: +660 399 09; +775 609 22; 654 205 09;
Most Reverend Collins Amile
Diocese of Saint Joseph
Born December 30, 1987
Anglocatholic School of Theology, 2021
Ordained a deacon – February 3, 2018; by Bishop Joseph Pevigo
Ordained a priest – February 10, 2018; by Bishop Joseph Pevigo
Consecrated as a bishop – December 9, 2023; by Bishop Joseph Pevigo
Contact: Bishop Collins Amile, St Augustine Anglocatholic Church, TyoMu,
Mbagyor Gwer East Local Government, Benue State, NIGERIA
Phone: + 234 802 116 6861; email:
Most Reverend Dominic Munyusa Twebaze
Diocese of Saint Athanasius
Born January 27, 1985
Ordained as a deacon – October 6, 2019; by
Ordained as a priest – August 22, 2021; by
Consecrated as a bishop – November 26, 2023; by
Contact: Bishop Dominic Munyusa Twebaze, …….
Phone: + 256 776 806 360; email:
Bishop Auxiliary
Most Reverend Jose Luis Diaz Granados Fandino, Lic.S.Th.
Diocese of Saint Patrick

Born November 2, 1968
Seminarium Maior Schola Theologia
Atque Scientiarum Religiosarum 2012 – Licentiate of Sacred Theology
Ordained as a deacon – June 17, 2009; by Bishop Julio Cesar Diazgranados Fandino
Ordained as a priest – September 21, 2011; by Bishop Julio Cesar Diazgranados Fandino
Consecrated as a bishop – May 14, 2015; by Bishop Jorge Emilio Quintero, Bishop Javier Morales Bolivar, and Bishop Julio Cesar Diazgranados Fandino
Contact: Bishop Auxiliary Jose Luis Diaz Granados Fandino,
Cra 16b # 7 – 37, Santa Marta City, COLOMBIA
Phone + 573 006 471 400; email:
Bishop Auxiliary
Most Reverend Dr. Richard Dickerson, B.Th., M.Div., J.S.D.
Diocese of Saint Giles the Hermit
Member of the College of Bishops
Born February 4, 1954
Reeves Christian College and Seminary 1988 – Bachelor of Theology
Reeves Christian College and Seminary 1991 – Master of Divinity
American Apostolic University 2002 – Doctor of Law
Ordained as a deacon – October 21, 1990; Bishop Maran Mar Joseph
Ordained as a priest – April 15, 1994; Bishop Maran Mar Joseph
Consecrated as a bishop – January 30, 1999; Bishop Maran Mar Joseph
Contact: Bishop Auxiliary Dr. Richard Dickerson,
18155 Sabini Ct, Morgan Hill, CA 95037-3422, U.S.A.
Bishop Auxiliary
Most Reverend Eddie Clermont Mienandi
Diocese of Marie Mediatrix
Born July 23, 1970 in Brazaville
Institute of Theological Study in Cape Town – Certificate of Licence
Ordained a deacon – 2006, by Archbishop Macaire Miafouanandi
Ordained a priest – 2008; by Archbishop Macaire Miafouanandi
Consecrated a bishop – 2018; by Archbishop Macaire Miafouanandi
Contact: Bishop Auxiliary Eddie Clermont Mienandi, Loubayi Pasteur Street n 39,
in the Mayanga district in the 8th district Madibou, Brazaville, REPUBLIC OF CONGO
Phone: +242 064 50132: Email: