From the Archives of The Anglocatholic Church we see that on March 4th, 2016 there was THE FOUNDATION SYNOD OF THE ANGLOCATHOLIC CHURCH in Tallinn, Estonia. At this Synod Archbishop Dr. Heigo Ritsbek was elected The Patriarch of The Anglocatholic Church and The President of The Patriarchal Council (now Holy Synod). The Meeting was led by His Eminence Archbishop Dr. Heigo Ritsbek and The Minutes of the Meeting were taken by Miss Heidi Meier. On March 11th, 2016, the Ministry of the Internal Affairs of The Republic of Estonia gave its legal recognition to The Anglocatholic Church.
In connection with this historic date, The Anglocatholic Church celebrates its Anniversary at the first Sunday of March every year with liturgical color – red.
Next year – 2020 – the first Sunday of March will be March 1.