On Saturday May 20, 2017, His Beatitude Patriarch Dr. Heigo Ritsbek participated with The Reverend Gustav Piir from Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church at the Investiture of The Estonian Grand Priory of The International Knights Order of Saint Michael the Archangel and the Investiture of The Royal Fraternity of Saint Teotonius of Portugal at Tallinn Holy Ghost Lutheran Church. Patriarch Ritsbek participated in blessing the new members of the Orders, prayed the Collect Prayer and gave the Benediction at the end of the Solemn Ceremony. During the ceremony, Patriarch Heigo Ritsbek was given the Medal of Merit by His Excellency, Grand Prior of The Royal Brotherhood of Saint Teotonius from Portugal, Ulisses Jose Pauleta Rolim. Patriarch Ritsbek gave the key-note speech at the Gala Banquet that night.