Changes in Our Church in West Africa

His Excellency Bishop Dr. Kenneth Obinna Ikeh is elevated to the position of Archbishop of the Archdiocese of St. John the Apostle in the Anglocatholic Church in Ghana and Nigeria. Archbishop Ikeh will have pastoral supervision over the Diocese of St. Joseph and the Diocese of St. Mark in Ghana.

His Excellency Bishop Emmanuel Segue is elevated to the rank of Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Saint Mary of the Immaculate Conception in the Anglocatholic Church. Archbishop Segue will have pastoral supervision also over the Diocese of the Child Jesus in Gabon.



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One Response to Changes in Our Church in West Africa

  1. Bishop Collins Amile says:

    My application goes to the Almighty God who has made this elevations possible and to my great patriarch of The Anglocatholic church for the work he is doing in Nigeria and God’s veinyald at large may there continue to be grace, strength and wisdom to go forward in Jesus name Amen.

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