His Excellency, The Most Reverend Avio Ongang Cyprien, Ordinary of the Diocese of Saint Athanasius of The Anglocatholic Church in DR of Congo, has ordained priests and a deacon at the Cathedral of Athanasius in N’sele.

His Excellency, The Most Reverend Avio Ongang Cyprien, Ordinary of the Diocese of Saint Athanasius of The Anglocatholic Church in DR of Congo, has ordained priests and a deacon at the Cathedral of Athanasius in N’sele.
I would like to know if Alphonse to long ago has been ordained deacon which would have been somewhere around September of 2023 or present because I was not notified and I’m his us family
Concerning deacon ordinations Tallinn Patriarchate has no exact data.
Mary and Melanie Bolt are us relatives of all fonts to long ago who said the bishop came to take him back to the DC for ordination and two and a half years of work as of September 25th of 2023 and we’ve not heard from him he was going to call me when he arrived and talk to his mother who already knows about me I’m not heard from anybody and I don’t know if he’s been ordained he told me he was going to let me know when the ceremony would occur in case I could fly there to see it with Melanie and we’ve not heard a word