Monthly Archives: December 2023

Holy Family Solemn Mass in Tallinn, Estonia

On Sunday, December 31, 2023, His Excellency Bishop Dr. Raivo Kodanik celebrated Holy Mass at the Chapel of the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity of the Anglocatholic Church in Tallinn, Republic of Estonia. Patriarch’s Chair next to altar at the … Continue reading

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Christmas Holy Mass in Normandy, France

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Tallinn Patriarchate Christmas Message

A CHRISTMAS MESSAGE to the ANGLOCATHOLIC CHURCH 2023 In this was manifest the love of God toward us,because that God sent His only-begotten Son into the worldthat we might live through Him. 1 John 4.9 In the ancient liturgy of … Continue reading

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Ministry of Bishop Avio O. Cyprien in DR Congo

Ministry of Bishop Avio Ongang Cyprien, Dip.Th., in the Diocese of Saint Athanasius of the Anglocatholic Church in Democratic Republic of Congo, West Africa.

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After First Sunday of Advent Holy Mass in Africa

His Eminence, The Most Reverend Dr. James Christian Macaire Miafouanandi, D.D., Primate of All Africa of the Anglocatholic Church and Metropolitan Archbishop of The Archdiocese of Saint Sagasse Divine of The Anglocatholic Church with the serving clergy and acolytes after … Continue reading

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