Monthly Archives: July 2023

Titular Legate nominated by the Patriarch

On July 7, 2023, His Beatitude, The Most Reverend Dr. Heigo Ritsbek, MA, MDiv, DMin, LittD, DD, Patriarch of The Anglocatholic Church, nominated Honorable Dr. Vesa V. Viitaniemi, DD, as the Titular Legate of Tallinn Patriarchate.

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A Hermitage in the Process of Being Established

Mr. Joseph Daniel Clancy is in the process of establishing the first Hermitage of The Anglocatholic Church in Hermon, Maine, United States, where he will be the hermit. Several things in connection with that are already in process. The Patriarch … Continue reading

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Patriarch Autobiography is in Print

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Code of Canon Law in Spanish Ready

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