Patriarch Confirms Mr. Joseph Daniel Clancy as Hermit

His Beatitude Most Reverend Lord Dr. Heigo Ritsbek, MA, MDiv, DMin, LittD, DD, Patriarch of The Anglocatholic Church, has confirmed Mr. Joseph Daniel Clancy as a hermit of The Anglocatholic Church in Maine, United States of America. Soon His Eminence, The Most Reverend Dr. David Smith, DD, Archbishop Emeritus in Toronto, Canada, will ordain Mr. Joseph D. Clancy as a deacon and a priest of The Anglocatholic Church.

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3 Responses to Patriarch Confirms Mr. Joseph Daniel Clancy as Hermit

  1. Joseph Clancy says:

    It is truly an honor to be part of the Anglocatholic Church community! I have felt a deep calling for many years to live a simple contemplative life as a Christian monk in the tradition of St. Francis of Assisi. I\’m currently in the process of transitioning from a typical modern life to a simple wooden cabin (my hermitage) located in the forested hills of the Central Maine wilderness. There I will support myself by running a small campground for Christians and will sell simple goods such as baked items and hand made soap. Once I\’m able to leave the world, I\’ll adopt the brown robes of my order and will dedicate myself to God and the needy. God blees and keep you all-

  2. Joseph Clancy says:

    To be clear, I’m aiming to become a friar, Franciscans don’t have monks…but they do live a monastic life. I will travel to Toronto as soon as I can to receive ordination as a deacon…and God willing…become a Priest. Deepest gratitude to His Beatitude Most Reverend Lord Dr. Heigo Ritsbek for this opportunity. Once I’m ordained I will be the only Friar/Priest within fifty miles of my location, please pray for me.

  3. Congratulations on becoming a member of The Anglocatholic Church. You will be ordained a deacon and then a priest so that you can celebrate the Mass privately or with visitors to your wooden cabin. God Bless and again welcome to The Anglocatholic Church.

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