My dear Archbishops, Bishops, Priests, Deacons, Subdeacons, men and women religious, my brothers and sisters in the Lord.
I send you all my best wishes for peace and prosperity for the Feast of Nativity.
May the Lord, born in stable as the poorest among the poor out of love for us and our salvation, fill you with abundant graces and grant you peace, joy, health, and the will to carry out your mission with constancy and perseverance in service of oy holy Anglocatholic Church.
Be the radiant witnesses of your faith, your love of God, in these difficult times and moments when the church is too often replaced by the pagan fest which fills the pockets of merchants of illusions in a world where sects and islam are advancing rapidly, let us unite and pray for each other.
May your commitment to the Anglocatholic Church be constant and unfailing. I humbly commend myself, the clergy of the whole world and the faithful in Africa to your prayers.
With my prayers and and my Apostolic Blessing.
+++ His Eminence Dr. James Christian Macaire Miafouanandi, D.D., Primate of All Africa and Metropolitan Archbishop