Monthly Archives: April 2022

More Photos from The Republic of Congo

On April 17, 2022 in Pointe-Noire, Republic of Congo, three men are ordained as deacons.

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First textbook for School of Ministry Published

On April 28, 2022, the first textbook of Patriarch Dr. Heigo Ritsbek book HOLY BAPTISM. HOLY EUCHARIST is out of publishing house in French, to be ready to send it students for priesthood to our young people in West Africa.

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First European Conclave in France

April 21 – 25, 2022 there was the FIRST EUROPEAN CONCLAVE OF THE COLLEGE OF BISHOPS OF THE ANGLOCATHOLIC CHURCH in Croissanville, Normandy, France. Holy Solemn Masses, Prayer Services and Discussions and meals together filled the schedule. The participants were … Continue reading

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A New Bishop Consecrated in Republic of Congo

On April 17, 2022, His Eminence Metropolitan Archbishop Dr. James Christian Macaire Miafouanandi, consecrated a new Bishop in Christ’s One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church – The Most Reverend Florent Moussolo, who leads Diocese of Saint Paul the Apostle of … Continue reading

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Convocation in the Republic of Congo

April 15 – 16, 2022 there was in Pointe-Nore, in the Republic of Congo, The Convocation of All Clergyc of the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Saint Sophie Sagesse Divine (Republic of Congo, DR Congo) of The Anglocatholic Church. This convocation was … Continue reading

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First Texbook for our School of Ministry Published

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The sixth book by the Patriarch in publishing

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Lenten Sunday Mass in Estonia (Apr 3, 2022)

His Excellency Bishop Dr. Raivo Kodanik giving the benediction.

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