By the decree of His Beatitude, The Most Reverend Lord Dr. Heigo Ritsbek, MA, MDiv, DMin, LittD, DD, Patriarch of The Anglocatholic Church, on September 5th, 2021 the decision was made that as much it would be possible, all Bishops of The Anglocatholic Church will wear the similar chasubles at The Conclaves of The College of Bishops of The Anglocatholic Church and at The Convocations of The Anglocatholic Church. The decision was made by His Beatitude Patriarch Lord Dr. Heigo Ritsbek. As this decision requires certain special finances, we turn to all Bishops, who can and want to help us in this project, to send special donation to The Patriarch Fund with statement – for Bishops Conclave Chasubles. We hope that first time all Bishops (4 of us) – attending The First European Conclave of The College of Bishops of The Anglocatholic Church in France in April 2022 will wear the same chasubles. The chasubles for European Bishops were paid by the most generous donation of Bishop Adrino Amato (Italy/Switzerland). The chasubles will be as shown here:

If any Bishop wants to buy it himself, please write to me and I will give to you the information needed to get exactly such a chasuble.