By the decree of His Beatitude, The Most Reverend Dr. HEIGO RITSBEK, MA, MDiv, DMin, LittD, DD, Patriarch of The Anglocatholic Church, on September 7, 2020 The Holy Trinity Anglocatholic School of Ministry was established. President of this distance learning school is Patriarch Dr. Heigo Ritsbek, Dean Primate Dr. Earl L. Frazier, Local Supervisor of The Studies is Primate Joseph Pevigo (Nigeria). Currently Nigeria is our only Satellite Campus, but they may be established around the world in different places. We will open from September 1, 2021 one degree Program – degree is Bachelor of Ministry (B.Min). Faculty Members are currently: Dr. Heigo Ritsbek, Dr. David Smith, Primate Joseph Pevigo. We hope to begin next September with 5 students in Nigeria. Also there are possibilities to form other Satellite Campuses. At the same time we have established a special program for Bishops and Bishop-Elects without earned theological degrees to receive Master of Ministry (M.M.) degree. For these our Bishops and Bishops Elects who have not a theological degree, have other degrees and honorary degrees, it is a possbility to get a theological degree from our School of Ministry – Master of Ministry (M.M.)

Patriarch Dr. HEIGO RITSBEK, MA, MDiv, DMin, LittD, DD is sitting in front of the painting of him in his doctoral gown from Boston University