The Anglocatholic Church is around the world in thirty-one countries: Australia, Angola, Argentina, Brazil, Burundi, Cameroon, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, DR Congo, Ecuador, Estonia, France, Gabon, Haiti, Italy, Kenya, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Peru, Russia, Rwanda, South Africa, South Sudan, Switzerland, Tanzania, Uganda, United States and in Venezuela in eleven archdioceses and fifteen dioceses in 150 parishes with 31,682 faithful members. Among them are 28 bishops, 156 priests, and 58 deacons, total 242 clergyman. The Anglocatholic Church is in ministry in 12 countries in Africa, 7 countries in Latin & South America, 5 countries in Europe, 2 countries in North America, 2 countries in Carribean, 2 countries in Asia, 1 country in Oceania.