Letter to Patriarch from Primate Ian Charles Adrian (Australia)

Your Beatitude,

My dear Patriarch I am writing this email on the day before my tenth anniversary of my consecration to the episcopate 3/10/18. To let you know what the ACC means to me. It is a place of great hope, we are spread over 27 countries.

Firstly we are a church of prayer Canon law chapter 9:16 says all clergy must pray the daily Office and chapter 5:5 states that that the Eucharist should celebrated often and a daily celebration is encouraged even if the priest be alone. Now with us being in 27 countries that means the ACC is consistently offering to our supreme God a sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving and that worldwide communion is vital and relevant. We maybe an new Church but we are a solid witness to the faith once delivered to us by the saints.

Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mystical Rose, make intersessions for the Holy Anglocatholic Church, protect our Sovereign Patriarch. Help all those who invokes thee in their necessities and since thou art ever Virgin Mary mother of the True God, obtain for us from your most holy Son, the grace of keeping our faith, of sweet hope in the midst of the bitterness of life, of burning charity, and the precious gift of of final perseverance.

+++Ian Adrian

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