Prayers Requested for Successful and Blessed First Conclave

Friday August 4, 2017. 8.00 Breakfast, 10.00 Holy Mass (Red) – Celebrant and preacher Metropolitan Archbishop Samuel. 12.00 Lunch. 13.00 Break. 14.00 Presentation – Canon Smith: The Canon Law. 14.30 Discussion and Fellowship. 18.00 Supper.

Saturday August 5, 2017. 8.00 Breakfast. 10.00 Lecture about Liturgy – Canon Smith. 10:30 Discussion and Fellowship. 12.00 Lunch. 13.00 Break. 14.00 Rehersal of the Consecration Mass. 16.00 Consecration Mass (White) – Celebrant and preacher Patriarch Ritsbek. 19.00 Reception and Fellowship

Sunday August 6, 2017. 8.00 Breakfast. 9.00 Low Mass (Green) – Celebrant and preacher Canon Smith. 10.00 Lecture about Preaching – Metropolitan Archbishop Samuel. 10.30 Discussion and Fellowship. 12.00 Lunch. 13.00 Break. 14.00 – Enthronement Mass (White) – Co-celebrants Patriarch Ritsbek and Metropolitan Archbishop Samuel, preaching Metropolitan Archbishop Samuel. 16.00 Break. 18.00 Closing Liturgy of Commisioning (Red)Liturgist Canon Smith, preacher Patriarch Ritsbek. 19.00 Supper and fellowship.

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