Ministry of the Patriarch in Statistics

During the ministry of His Beatitude Dr. Heigo Ritsbek, MA, MDiv, DMin, LittD, DD, The Patriarch of The Anglocatholic Church, since 1971 until now, he has preached 2,735 sermons to 373,851 people, average attendance 137 worshippers in one service. Preached in over 100 different churches of 27 different denominations (Roman Catholic, Orthodox, Anglican, and various Protestant) in 18 countries: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, the Ukraine, Russia, Georgia, United States, Mexico, Canada, Denmark, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Finland, Republic of South Africa, Uganda, France, and the United Kingdom. Baptized 118 people, performed 18 weddings, conducted 99 funerals. Ordained 3 priests, 2 deacons and consecrated 5 bishops. Lectured in 17 different universities, colleges, and theological seminaris in Estonia, the United States, and the United Kingdom. Visited 38 countries, and 35 states of the U.S.A., in connection with the ministry and theological conferences.

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