
His Beatitude Patriarch
Most Reverend Dr. Heigo Ritsbek, M.A., M.Div., D.Min, Litt.D., D.D.
Õismäe tee 54-24, 13512 Tallinn, ESTONIA
phone +372 50 92 337 e-mail: heigo.ritsbek [ät]

Bank Account
To make donations and to send money to the Anglocatholic Church use in Tallinn SEB Bank – SEB Bank, Tallinn, ESTONIA: Address: Tornimäe 2, 15010 Tallinn, ESTONIA.
Phone:+ 372 665 5100

Acccount: AKK. IBAN: EE95 10 10 22 02 10 36 52 24. SWIFT CODE: EEUHEE2X.

7 Responses to Contact

  1. +++Августин says:

    Thank God! Congratulations to Your Holiness on the publication of this book! May God grant you long life and fruitful creativity in the field of the Lord!

  2. Rald the great says:

    Is anglocatholica in northern Nigeria Please ,if yes which part of it

  3. Августин says:

    Слава Господу, наша Святая Церковь расширяет свои границы. Мы молимся о нашем Святейшем Патриархе, епископах, священников, братьев и сестер и всех верных! +++ Августин

  4. +++ Augustin says:

    Dear His Holiness and Beatitude Patriarch Dr. Heigo Ritsbeck, all bishops, archbishops, priests, brothers and sisters, and all the faithful of our Church, I congratulate you on the Lord’s Easter! Christ is risen! Christ is risen! Christ is risen! +++Augustine Archbishop Metropolitan of Russia

  5. Bishop Rodney Jackson PhD says:

    I am Bishop Rodney Jackson PhD I would like to join

  6. Oleg says:

    Prayer for the Patriarch
    O Lord, our God, the Great and Most Merciful! In the tenderness of our hearts, we humbly pray to You: keep under the roof of Your goodness from any evil situation of our Most Holy Father Dr. Heigo Ritzbek, Patriarch of the Anglo-Catholic Church. Protect him in all his ways with Your holy angels, so that the enemy will have no time for him, and the son of iniquity will not make him angry: fill him with the length of days and strength of strength, so that he will do everything for Your glory and for the benefit of His people, the right to rule the word of Your truth. But We, rejoicing in Your All-good Providence for him, will bless and glorify Your All-Holy Name, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever. Amen.

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