A message from the Primate of All Africa of the The Anglocatholic Church for Lent.
Hello my beloved in the Lord, Lent is the time established to commemorate the forty days of prayer and fasting of our Lord Jesus Christ in the desert, but also to prepare the faithful for the feast of Easter through penance as well as the Hebrews did it for forty years before entering the promised land.
The means of penance that the church proposes at this time are: prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. It is a time of struggle and renewal.
This time begins on Ash Wednesday. On that day, in fact, in order to recall the thought of death, which is so salutary for living well, ashes are placed on the head of each one. This liturgical act means: remember, O man, that you are dust and you will return to dust.
To all of you, I wish you a good Lent, may the Lord bless his Anglocatholic Church in this period of penance and may he come to our aid. Amen
Yours truly
His Eminence Dr. James Christian Macaire Miafouanandi,
Primate of All Africa of the Anglocatholic Church