Two participants: His Eminence Primate Dr. Raphael Marie Villiere (France)
and His Eminence Primate Dr. Ian Charles Adrian (Australia) at the Coffee
Break of the Convocation.
Then there was Solemn Mass, celebrated by His Eminence, The Most Reverend Dr. David Smith, DD, Patriarch Coadjutor of The Anglocatholic Church and sermon was given by His Eminence, The Most Reverend Dr. Ian Charles Adrian, Primate of
Australia and All Oceania of The Anglocatholic Church.

They day ended with very excellent study of the REVISED CODE OF CANONICAL LAW OF THE ANGLOCATHOLIC CHURCH. After hours of hard work, in the evening the Revised Canon Law was ready. Soon it will appear on the website of the Anglocatholic Church. Also other issues were discussed: theological education, intercommunion with other churches, joint liturgy as template for our churches, at the same time giving every diocese to choose their own rite etc.